what questions do people ask google?

what questions do people ask google?

what questions do people ask google?

You may be wondering what people Google on a daily basis. In this article, we are going to review a few of the issues that people are concerned about to give you an idea of your business. But if you have specialized questions and want to know what your audience is searching for on Google, go and test they ask

How to tie a tie?

If you’re looking to learn how to tie a tie, this is the place for you. Whether it’s for work, weddings or even just for fun, lassoing your neck into that dapper look is something that can take some time getting used to. Luckily there are plenty of resources online that will help get you started and keep you from looking like a fool in front of everyone at your office meeting (you know who I’m talking about).

There are many different ways to tie a tie but most people fall into two categories: those who prefer the four-in-hand knot and those who prefer the half Windsor knot. The four-in-hand knot is one of the easiest knots out there because it’s symmetrical; meaning both sides look almost identical when they’re tied correctly. The half Windsor uses more fabric so it gives off a little more class than its counterpart above but also takes longer to create because there are multiple loops involved with this method rather than just one long tail like most other ties! If you’re going somewhere fancy then I recommend trying out both types before deciding which one works best for yourself since everyone has different preferences when it comes down

What is my IP?

What is my IP?

IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is a unique identifier for a device on a computer network. An IP address is needed to send data from one computer to another over the internet. The most common form of IP address is known as IPv4, but more and more ISPs are switching over to IPv6 (which uses 128-bit addresses) as address space becomes scarce due to the rapid growth in demand for internet connectivity.

The 32-bit number used in an IPv4 address can be represented in decimal form as four numbers separated by periods or dots (e.g., You can usually find your own IP by entering “my ip” into Google Search; it will return your public IP address if you’re connected directly to an ISP with no proxy server installed somewhere along the way between you and Google’s servers.”

How to screenshot?

  • How to screenshot on Mac?
  • How to screenshot on iPhone?
  • How to take a screenshot on android phone?
  • How to take a screenshot on PC or Windows 10 PC.

What is love?

Love is something that everyone wants to know more about. Most people think it’s something they’ll figure out at some point in their life, but it can be difficult to understand it. Love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

Love may also refer to:

  • The emotion of strong or constant affection for another person
  • A state of being closely attached to someone or something

What time is it?

It’s one of the simplest questions you can ask, and yet Google has an answer for it. The first result will tell you the current time in your area (or wherever you want).

You might think that there are other ways to get this information if you don’t have access to a smartphone or computer—but what about a digital watch? There are many different types of watches out there, and they all display the current time differently. Some have analog faces with hands that point to numbers on their face; others use digital displays made up of little boxes representing hours, minutes, and seconds; still others use LED lights arranged in various patterns indicating both hours and minutes. And then there’s always just asking someone else who knows what time it is!

Weather today?

When I want to know what the weather will be like, I usually ask Google. This is a great way to get all of your weather related questions answered, and it’s especially helpful if you’re planning something outdoors or have an event later in the day that you want to dress for. The options are endless, but some of my favorites are:

  • weather today
  • weather forecast
  • tomorrow’s forecast
  • tonight’s forecast

If you want to narrow down your search by location or city name, this is also possible! Just use “weather in [name]”, e.g., “weather in New York”.

How old are you?

Of the top 25 questions in the U.S., seven of them involve age. The most frequently asked question is “how old are you?” followed by “what is your age?” and then “how old are you in years?”

But even though this question comes up often, it’s not always clear what people who ask it want to know. For example, if someone asks Google, “How old are you?” does he mean: How old are you now or generally speaking? Is he interested in your exact age, or just an estimate that will give him an idea of where he stands relative to other people his age? Does he want to know how old you were last year or two years ago or 10 years ago—or only yesterday and today?


It turns out that Google is a very popular search engine. In fact, it’s the most popular search engine in the world! With so many people using Google, it’s no wonder that so many questions are asked about it. And that’s where this article comes in: we’ll discuss some of the most common queries people ask Google related to its calculator tool.

If you’re new to using calculators, then you should know that they’re all different from one another—even when they share similar functions. The calculator on your phone will function differently than one you’d use in mathematics class at school or as part of an accounting project at work. So just because someone says “Google Calculator” doesn’t mean they’re referring to the same thing as someone else who says “Google Calculator.” For example:

Who invented the internet?

Bill Clinton?

If you’re a fan of YouTube videos, you might have already seen this one. In the video, someone asks Google “Who invented the internet?” and the answer is: Bill Clinton.

Jon Postel invented email.

I know what you’re thinking—Google has been wrong before! And yes, it has made mistakes in the past: It once told people to search for “How do I get rid of ants in my house” with the answer being “get rid of your house.” (If only we could.) But I think that’s why it’s important that we trust Google’s process when it comes to answering questions like these ones about former presidents: They have a lot more information than we do about history and politics! It also helps that most people don’t seem bothered by what they see as an obvious mistake on their part; if anything, they find it amusing that such an obvious mistake was made by a computer system at all!

Who invented the light bulb?

The first light bulbs were invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. At the time, the electrical system wasn’t very popular, so Edison was working on creating better technology for it. In 1878, he patented a lamp that used carbonized sewing thread as a filament – this was called an incandescent bulb because it emitted heat and light as it burned up over time.

In 1880, Edison’s company started selling their own brand of light bulbs under their name: “Edison Electric Light Company”. His invention was made possible through trial and error until he found his own way to make these devices work properly! All in all, Thomas Edison’s innovations changed our lives forever!

popular questions for google

Google is the most popular search engine by far. It’s no wonder, then, that they’re the first place to go when searching for answers to any question—and it’s where you’ll find them. Google has the best answers because they have access to more information than any other source on the internet—and even in existence! They can also fine-tune their algorithms (the secret sauce behind how they rank websites) based on user feedback and data from millions of web searches every day. This means that if your query gets enough clicks from people looking for a solution similar to yours, Google will start showing you those results higher up in your search results without even having asked you first!

This means that when it comes time for anyone anywhere in this world who has ever had a question about anything at all… well, there’s no turning back now!


We’ve seen some of the most important things in Google. You may not believe that some people get good results from searching people on Google.

Use they ask to check and find uncover keywords

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